Function Pointers vs Member Function Pointers

My second semester at DigiPen has almost come to an end. For the project of this semester, we are required to write our code in strict C, no fancy C++ stuff like generics and polymorphism. In order to get around this limitation, our team used a technique described in this post to mimic object-orientation in C.

I’m planning on starting building our team’s new game engine early in this summer to prepare for the upcoming fall semester. This time, of course, we’re allowed to write code in C++.

The first thing I’m planning on building is the event system, which is basically a framework with event dispatchers and event listener functions. But things turned out to be more complicated than I thought. In ActionScript, Java, and C#, the only functions we can define are strictly member functions, functions that are defined in a class body. Even the “main” function is simply the constructor of a document class or a public static void function inside a class. So we don’t have to worry about whether an event listener function is a member function or not.

In C++, however, not everything is object-oriented. A function can be an ordinary function defined in global scope or a member function defined in a class (or struct) body. The invocation to both types of functions are different, so we cannot treat them as equal: we cannot assign them to the same type of function pointer. But I want to treat them equally, so that I can register ordinary functions and member functions of the same signature to the same event dispatcher. This leads me to the research of function delegates.

For now, I’m just going to discuss the fundamental difference between ordinary functions and member functions. I’m also going to point out the difference between function pointers versus member function pointers.

Function Pointers

Functions are actual pieces of reusable code in the program, so every function has its address, which is the starting point of the function in memory. Given the function below:

void printSomething(int x)
  std::cout << x << std::endl;

We can assign the address of this function to a function pointer with matching function signature called fp:

void (*fp) (int) = &printSomething;

And then we can indirectly invoke the function through the syntax below:


Say we have an event dispatcher class (some people might prefer to call it a signal) that dispatches an event with an integer information:

class Dispatcher
    std::list<void (*) (int)> listeners_;
    void addListener(void (*listener) (int))
    void dispatch(int value)
      //loop through all listeners
      std::list<void (*) (int>::iteartor iter;
        iter = listeners_.begin(); 
        iter != listeners_.end(); 
        //invoke listener with the given event information

We can add multiple listener functions to the dispatch, and then the dispatch of an event would invoke all listener functions.

Dispatcher *dispatcher = new Dispatcher();

//assume f1, f2, and f3 all have the correct signature

Now if we have a class that defines a member function with the same signature:

class MyClass
    int data_;
    MyClass(int data):data_(data) { }
    void printSomething(int x)
      //The "this" keyword here is not necessary, 
      //but I put it here for later convenience.
      std::cout << (x + this->data_) << std::endl;

It’s tempting to write the following code if you’ve been working with ActionScript or Java:

MyClass *obj = new MyClass(10);


But it won’t work, because there’s a huge difference between the invocation of functions and member functions.

Function Invocations

Suppose we call the global version of the function printSomething(int) like this:


The function stack would look somewhat like this:


Only the argument 10 that is passed in that is on the stack.

However, have you ever thought about how a member function gets the address value for the this keyword, given that each member function has only one exact copy that lies somewhere in the memory, unlike a data member that has one copy per class instance? The value for the this keyword is implicitly passed to the member function upon invocation.

Since there’s only one copy of each member function per class, we refer to a member function like this:


The following member function invocation actually passes the address of obj along with the other integer argument to the function.

//obj is the "callee"

So while the program counter is in the function, the stack looks somewhat like this (the order may vary depending on compiler implementation):

0xABCD  (address of "callee");
10      (argument passed in);

And the member function now knows what value to use for the this keyword.

That’s the difference between the invocation of an ordinary function and a member function: a callee must be provided.

Member Function Pointers

The syntax for invoking a member function through a member function pointer is a bit convoluted. First, to declare a member function pointer, you have to specify the function signature along with which class the member function belongs to. The following code declares a member function pointer of class MyClass that points to a member function that returns void and takes in one integer argument, named mfp:

void (MyClass::*mfp) (int);

The following code assigns the MyClass::printSomething(int) member function address to the pointer:

mfp = &MyClass::printSomething;

And here’s the convoluted part. In order to invoke the function, you have to provide a “callee” object whose address is to be used as the value of the this keyword in the member function. We do that by specifying the “callee” object and invoke the member function through the member access operator->*“:


What’s Next?

Clearly, void (*) (int) and void (MyClass::*) (int) are different types and cannot be mixed together in the Dispatcher class shown above. To make things worse, if a member function of the same signature is defined in another class MyOtherClass, its type is void (MyOtherClass::*) (int) and cannot be used interchangeable with void (MyClass::*) (int).

To treat functions and member functions from different classes that all have the same signature equally, we have to use a more advanced technique called function delegates. This is a topic that I am still researching by reading this post, and I would post more about delegates once I have come up with something worth sharing.

About Allen Chou

Physics / Graphics / Procedural Animation / Visuals
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4 Responses to Function Pointers vs Member Function Pointers

  1. Pingback: cocos2d-x委托模式 | 子龙山人

  2. Pingback: Easy C++ Delegates | Ming-Lun "Allen" Chou

  3. subb says:

    If you’re using Visual Studio 2010 (or later), you can use std::bind and std::function in the functional header. They come from the new C++11 Standard Library (and before that, from Boost) but they were implemented early in VS2010.

    std::bind will create a std::function based on the parameters you pass to it. You can bind to a method or a function and you will get the same type (Also note that the type of a lambda expression is a std::function.) You can then implement a very generic Dispatcher or Signal class with std::function as your listener type.

    The only gotcha is that if you bind the same function or method twice, you can’t compare the resulting functor unlike function object in ActionScript. So if you want to remove a listener, you need to keep std::function pointers or refs in your Dispatcher class and keep the result of your bind call somewhere (ex. as a member) so you can remove it later. This is a bit annoying so if you find something better, let me know.

    Here’s a basic implementation :

    • CJ Cat (Allen Chou) says:

      I think we’re not going to use the new features introduced in C++11 next semester, so std::bind is most likely not an feasible option for us. Still, thanks for the information, I’ll be sure to check it out when I have time 🙂

      As for that basic implementation, that was actually my initial attempt to build a signal, and it turned out a single signal object like that cannot have listeners with the same signature that are a mixture of ordinary functions and member functions of different classes, the reasons explained in this post.

      I’m currently researching the approach employed in this article, which allows users to bind ordinary functions and member functions of different classes of the same signature equally using delegates, and they are comparable.

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