Action Lists – They Are Cooler than Commands

I have written several articles on how to make use of the commands in game engines in order to manage different multi-frame and asynchronous tasks effectively. From the Game Engine Architecture Club at DigiPen, I learned about action lists, which provide all the advantages commands have and more cool features.


An action object is like a command object, which carries out a modular action, such as tweening a property, loading an asset, and printing out a message, which leads to an interface that is not hard to expect:

(For clarity, I’m not using standard AS3 syntax.)

class Action
  //basic functionalities
  function update(dt:Number):void;
  function complete():void;
  function isComplete():Boolean;

An action list is a container of actions (or a composite action), which has multiple lanes that child actions can run on. Lanes are sorted by lane IDs and are processed in this order. When a lane is processed, the action list goes through the child actions on that lane and updates them until it encounters a blocking action. When that happens, the action list simply moves to the next lane without checking if there’s any other child action following the blocking action on the current lane.

We need a way to specify whether an action is blocking or not, the parent (action list) of and action, and which lane the action runs on. This leads to this new interface:

class Action
  //blocking & unblocking
  function block():void;
  function unblock():void;
  //blocking query
  function isBlocking():Boolean;
  //parent and lane ID accessors
  function getParent():ActionList;
  function laneID():int;
  //...what we had before

Someone once asked me if I could show him how to implement a command framework that supports pausing and cancelling. I never gave it a try until I was building the action list framework in Rusher, which replaced the original command framework. I implemented these features using Robert Penner’s AS3 Signals framework. I made it so that a signal is dispatched whenever an action is started, paused, resumed, completed, cancelled, and finished (either completed or paused), so the client code can listen to these signals and hook up different listeners:

class Action
  function get onStarted  ():ISignal;
  function get onPaused   ():ISignal;
  function get onResumed  ():ISignal; 
  function get onCompleted():ISignal;
  function get onCancelled():ISignal;
  function get onFinished ():ISignal;
  //pausing, resuming, and cancelling
  function pause ():void;
  function resume():void;
  function cancel():void;
  function isStarted ():Boolean;
  function isPuased  ():Boolean;
  function isFinished():Boolean;
  //...what we had before

Action Lists

As you might have guessed, we are using the Composite Pattern to make the action list class. An action list contains multiple actions and is an action itself:

class ActionList extends Action
  function ActionList(autoComplete:Boolean);
  //pushes a child action onto an action lane
  function push(action:Action, laneID:int):void;
  //updates child actions
  override function update(dt:Number):void;

If autoComplete is true, then the action list automatically calls its complete() method when all child actions are finished. Of course, it also listens to the onCancelled signal to call the cancel() method on all non-finished child actions.

Serial & Parallel Actions

One of the power features from common command frameworks is being able to assemble serial and parallel composite commands. Yes, you can do the same thing with actions. With blocking and non-blocking actions, you can create serial and parallel actions extremely easily:

function serial(...actions):Action
  var list:ActionList = new ActionList(true);
    var i:int = 0, len:int = actions.length; 
    i < len; ++i
    //make all child actions blocking
    list.push(actions[i], 0);
  return list;

function parallel(...actions):Action
  var list:ActionList = new ActionList(true);
    var i:int = 0, len:int = actions.length;
    i < len; ++i
    //make all child actions non-blocking
    list.push(actions[i], 0);
  return list;

We can still have the same clean syntax for creating complex nested actions as commands:

var intro:Action = 
    new Wait(WAIT_TIME), 
    new TweenTo(logo, TWEEN_TIME, { alpha: 1.0 }), 
    new Wait(WAIT_TIME), 
      new TweenTo(button1, TWEEN_TIME, { y: 100 }), 
      new TweenTo(button2, TWEEN_TIME, { y: 200 }), 
      new TweenTo(button3, TWEEN_TIME, { y: 300 })

Action Lists Drivers

In order to use the action list framework, you’ll need a driver somewhere in your client code that holds a root action list and keeps calling its update() method. That action list should have a false autoComplete property, so that it never completes itself and keeps on accepting new child actions.

In Rusher, the two classes that act as drivers are the ActionSystem class and the ActionComponent class. Each of the driver classes updates the action list on its own update call.

Rusher’s Implementation

For simplicity, I’ve only provided the interface of the framework and skipped the implementation. If you’re interested, here’s the implementation of the action list framework in Rusher:

Action implementation
ActionList implementation

You may ignore any code related to dependency injection if it confuses you.

Action Lists as State Machines

I have removed the state machine framework in Rusher since version 2.1, because it was entirely replaced by the action list framework. Yes, the action list framework can also serve as a full-blown state machine framework.

Think of it this way: an action’s update() method is equivalent to a state update. When the state changes, the state simply completes itself so that it gets removed from the parent action list, and pushes the next state (action) onto the same lane. Here’s a possible idle state implementation that does nothing and transitions to the active state when the space key is pressed:

class IdleState extends Action
  override public function udpate(dt:Number):void
    if (input.isDown(Key.SPACE))
      getParent().push(new ActiveState(), 0);

Aren’t action lists cooler than commands or what?

About Allen Chou

Physics / Graphics / Procedural Animation / Visuals
This entry was posted in Design Patterns, Gamedev, Rusher. Bookmark the permalink.

7 Responses to Action Lists – They Are Cooler than Commands

  1. Wizards says:

    I feel i didn’t understand almost nothing… :S can u help me with some links to start before this?

  2. Randy Gaul says:

    Update your blog more! 😛

    I like reading your posts, especially the ones like on delegates.

  3. civet says:

    I feel the code is harder to read than Commands…

    • CJ Cat (Allen Chou) says:

      Please tell me which part confuses you.
      I can try to elaborate on that in future posts 🙂

      • civet says:

        I can’t understand the concept of ActionList. Would you provide some graphic expression?
        and the update() method in your implementation looks a bit heavy 😛

        • Randy Gaul says:

          The concept is that you have a list of actions to perform in sequence. There’s a single update functions that updates the first action in the list. If this first action is “blocking”, then updating is stopped until the next call to update. If the first action is “non-blocking”, the next action in the list has update called on it, and so on. This way you can easily create complex behavior or algorithms on-the-fly, as opposed to writing annoying state machines, or some other method.

          • Allen Chou says:

            Wow. Thanks for the explanation, Randy.
            I guess I assumed people are already familiar with the concept of commands, so I didn’t explain the concept of action lists thoroughly enough.

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