Intrusively Linked Lists with Safe Link Destruction

This post is part of my Game Programming Series.

My current game project at DigiPen greatly benefits from “smart” intrusively linked lists that support multiple links per object and automatic link removal from lists upon destruction. My implementation was inspired by Patrick Wyatt’s implementation and Randy Gaul‘s implementation. Randy showed me both implementations.

The implementation I’m going to present here is probably not the most efficient, but it is STL-compatible in terms of iterators, and it can be used with the ranged-based for loop introduced in C++11. Such implementation has turned out to be very convenient while writing client code, and has never become a performance bottleneck for me.

Traditional V.S. Intrusively Linked Lists

First, let’s go over a quick overview of intrusively linked list and its comparison with traditional linked lists.

Below is a very straightforward implementation of a traditional doubly linked list node:

template <typename T>
struct ListNode
  ListNode *prev, *next;
  T data;

A link to the previous node, and link to the next node, and the data, simple. However, this implementation breaks down when we want to have the same data in multiple linked lists. This is a very common situation in a game engine; for instance, game objects are kept in a main game object list, as well as in a “to-be-destroyed” list that contains game objects that are marked for destruction at the end of current frame, so that we don’t have to loop through the (possibly very long) main list for a second time to check which game objects are marked for destruction at the end of each frame.

A fix to this problem using the traditional linked list is to make the node data a pointer, which points to the real data.

template <typename T>
  ListNode *prev, *next;
  T *data;

This brings up another problem: we can’t perform a constant-time node removal just by giving the data pointer to all the lists that contain it, because the actual data object and the nodes are de-coupled. Also, when the data is deleted from memory, we have to know which lists contain pointers to this data and remove the corresponding nodes beforehand. Too much bookkeeping. Yuck.

The solution to these problems is, you guessed it, intrusively linked lists.

Our Goal

As its name suggests, intrusively linked lists “intrusively” embed links into data objects, but we’ll go into the details later. Let’s take a quick look at what the client code would look like if we used intrusively linked lists. The code below uses macros for list and node declarations as a syntactical sugar. I’ll explain the macros later.

// GameObject is the "host type" of the nodes
struct GameObject
  // intrusively linked list nodes
  LIST_LINK(GameObject) mainLink;
  LIST_LINK(GameObject) deadLink;
  string name;
  map<ComponentID, Component *> components;

  GameObject(string const &name)
    : name(name)
  { }

// two lists
LIST(GameObject, mainLink) mainList;
LIST(GameObject, deadLink) deadList;

// create game objects
GameObject *obj1 = new GameObject("object1");
GameObject *obj2 = new GameObject("object2");
GameObject *obj3 = new GameObject("object3");

// add game object to main lists

// just add object 1 & 3 to dead list
// in reverse order

// use range-based for loop to delete objects
// no need to remove from main list
// because it is automatically handled
// as will be shown later
for (auto &obj : deadList)
  delete &obj;

The Interface

Link Interface
I put a pointer to the owning list inside the link class, so the link can update the list size. This list pointer can also come in handy for debugging and various assertions. It can be removed if you don’t need it.

// forward declaration
template <typename T>
class List;

// forward declaration
template <typename T>
struct ListIterator;

// forward declaration
template <typename T>
struct ListConstIterator;

// list link interface
template <typename T>
struct ListLink


    // inserts link between two links
    void Link(ListLink *prev, ListLink *next);
    // unlinks link from list
    void Unlink(void);


    // these classes need to access private data members
    friend class List<T>;
    friend struct ListIterator<T>;
    friend struct ListConstIterator<T>;

    ListLink *m_prev, *m_next;
    List<T> *m_list;

Iterator Interface
And here’s the interface for the iterator. It’s pretty standard: increment/decrement operators, dereference operators, and comparison operators. I decided to copy the link offset into the iterator from the list, instead of storing a pointer back to the list, so no indirection is needed when it needs to access the link offset. Nevertheless, having a pointer back to the list can be useful for debugging, so you can choose to selectively include such information using debug configuration defines.

// iterator interface
template <typename T>
struct ListIterator

      unsigned linkOffset = 0, 
      ListLink<T> *link = nullptr

    T &operator* (void) const;
    T *operator->(void) const;
    ListIterator &operator++(void);
    ListIterator &operator--(void);
    ListIterator  operator++(int);
    ListIterator  operator--(int);

    bool operator==(const ListIterator &rhs) const;
    bool operator!=(const ListIterator &rhs) const;

    // list needs to access private data members      
    friend class List<T>;

    unsigned m_linkOffset;
    ListLink<T> *m_link;

List Interface
Last but not least, the interface for the intrusively linked list. They typedefs and the begin/end/cbegin/cend methods are what make this interface STL-compatible. For simplicity’s sake, I omitted some other methods such as pop_front, pop_back, insert_before, and insert_after. The use of dummy head and tail links makes it very easy to implement iterators.

template <typename T>
class List
    // STL-compatible iterator typedefs
    typedef ListIterator<T> iterator;
    typedef ListConstIterator<T> const_iterator;

    List(unsigned linkOffset = 0);

    void push_back (T *obj);
    void push_front(T *obj);

    iterator erase(T *obj);
    iterator erase(iterator obj);

    void clear(void);

    unsigned size(void) const;
    // STL-compatible range methods
    iterator begin(void);
    iterator end  (void);
    const_iterator begin (void) const;
    const_iterator end   (void) const;
    const_iterator cbegin(void) const;
    const_iterator cend  (void) const;


    // these classes need to access private data members
    friend struct ListLink<T>;
    friend struct ListIterator<T>;
    friend struct ListConstIterator<T>;

    // memory offset of links into host type
    const unsigned k_linkOffset;

    // dummy links
    ListLink<T> m_head;
    ListLink<T> m_tail;

    unsigned m_size;

The Implementation

Helper Functions
For convenience, here are two helper functions that convert between host type pointers and link pointers using the memory offset.

template <typename T>
ListLink<T> *GetLinkFromObj(T *obj, unsigned linkOffset)
    reinterpret_cast<ListLink<T> *>
      reinterpret_cast<char *>(obj) + linkOffset

template <typename T>
T *GetObjFromLink(ListLink<T> *link, unsigned linkOffset)
    reinterpret_cast<T *>
      reinterpret_cast<char *>(link) - linkOffset

Link Constructor & Destructor
The link constructor basically initializes everything to null, and the link destructor handles the removal of the link from the owning list.

template <typename T>
  : m_prev(nullptr)
  , m_next(nullptr)
  , m_list(nullptr)
  m_prev = m_next = this;

template <typename T>

Link Methods
The Link and Unlink methods are just standard doubly linked list pointer manipulation. Note these two methods update the list size. The size update cannot be put in the list methods, because the list has no idea when the link’s Unlink method is going to be called.

template <typename T>
void ListLink<T>::Link(ListLink *prev, ListLink *next)
  // update prev link
  prev->m_next = this;
  this->m_prev = prev;

  // update next link
  next->m_prev = this;
  this->m_next = next;

  // update list pointer
  m_list = next->m_list;

  // update list size

template <typename T>
void ListLink<T>::Unlink(void)
  if (m_list)
    // update links
    m_prev->m_next = m_next;
    m_next->m_prev = m_prev;

    // update list size

    // clean up pointers
    m_list = nullptr;
    m_prev = m_next = nullptr;

List Constructor
The list constructor links the dummy head and tail links together, and the list destructor clears the links.

template <typename T>
List<T>::List(unsigned linkOffset)
  : k_linkOffset(linkOffset)
  , m_size(0)
  m_head.m_next = &m_tail;
  m_tail.m_prev = &m_head;
  m_head.m_list = m_tail.m_list = this;

template <typename T>

List Manipulation
The push methods delegate the push operation to the link’s Link method. Similarly, the omitted pop methods would use the link’s Unlink method. The erase method returns an iterator that points to the link next to the erased link, following the STL convention.

template <typename T>
void List<T>::push_back(T *obj)
  push_back(GetLinkFromObj(obj, k_linkOffset));

template <typename T>
void List<T>::push_front(T *obj)
  push_front(GetLinkFromObj(obj, k_linkOffset));

template <typename T>
void List<T>::push_back(ListLink<T> *link)
  link->Link(m_tail.m_prev, &m_tail);

template <typename T>
void List<T>::push_front(ListLink<T> *link)
  link->Link(&m_head, m_head.m_next);

template <typename T>
typename List<T>::iterator List<T>::erase(T *obj)
  ListLink<T> *link = 
    GetLinkFromObj(obj, k_linkOffset);

  if (link == nullptr)
    return iterator(0, nullptr);

  iterator next(k_linkOffset, link->m_next);
  return next;

template <typename T>
typename List<T>::iterator 
List<T>::erase(typename List<T>::iterator iter)
  ListLink<T> *link = iter.m_link;

  if (link == nullptr)
    return iterator(0, nullptr);

  iterator next(k_linkOffset, link->m_next);
  return next;

template <typename T>
void List<T>::clear(void)
  while (m_head.m_next != &m_tail)

List Iterators
The list’s iterator methods make use of the dummy head and tail links to yield expected begin and end behaviors. The begin methods should return iterators pointing at the first link, which is one next to the dummy head link; the end methods should return iterators pointing at the one-past-last link, which is the dummy tail link. This is why I said dummy links are convenient.

template <typename T>
typename List<T>::iterator List<T>::begin(void)
  return iterator(k_linkOffset, m_head.m_next);

template <typename T>
typename List<T>::iterator List<T>::end(void)
  return iterator(k_linkOffset, &m_tail);

template <typename T>
typename List<T>::const_iterator List<T>::begin(void) const
    (k_linkOffset, const_cast<ListLink<T> *>(m_head.m_next));

template <typename T>
typename List<T>::const_iterator List<T>::end(void) const
    (k_linkOffset, const_cast<ListLink<T> *>(&m_tail));

template <typename T>
typename List<T>::const_iterator List<T>::cbegin(void) const
    (k_linkOffset, const_cast<ListLink<T> *>(m_head.m_next));

template <typename T>
typename List<T>::const_iterator List<T>::cend(void) const
    (k_linkOffset, const_cast<ListLink<T> *>(&m_tail));

Iterator Methods
The iterator implementation is pretty trivial compared to what has been shown so far, so I’ll let the code speak for itself. The implementation for ListConstIterator is almost identical, only with different constness.

template <typename T>
ListIterator<T>::ListIterator(unsigned linkOffset, ListLink<T> *link)
  : m_linkOffset(linkOffset)
  , m_link(link)
{ }

template <typename T>
T &ListIterator<T>::operator*(void) const
  return *GetObjFromLink(m_link, m_linkOffset);

template <typename T>
T *ListIterator<T>::operator->(void) const
  return GetObjFromLink(m_link, m_linkOffset);

template <typename T>
ListIterator<T> &ListIterator<T>::operator++(void)
  m_link = m_link->m_next;
  return *this;

template <typename T>
ListIterator<T> &ListIterator<T>::operator--(void)
  m_link = m_link->m_prev;
  return *this;

template <typename T>
ListIterator<T> ListIterator<T>::operator++(int)
  ListIterator copy = *this;
  return copy;

template <typename T>
ListIterator<T> ListIterator<T>::operator--(int)
  ListIterator copy = *this;
  return copy;

template <typename T>
bool ListIterator<T>::operator==(const ListIterator &rhs) const
  return m_link == rhs.m_link;

template <typename T>
bool ListIterator<T>::operator!=(const ListIterator &rhs) const
  return !operator==(rhs);

Helper Macros

With the above implementation, if we were to attempt to write the client code shown above (far, far above), then it’d turn out to be something like this:

// GameObject is the "host type" of the nodes
struct GameObject
  // intrusively linked list nodes
  ListNode<GameObject> mainLink;
  ListNode<GameObject> deadLink;
  string name;
  map<ComponentID, Component *> components;

  GameObject(string const &name)
    : name(name)
  { }

// two lists
List<GameObject> mainList(offsetof(GameObject, mainLink));
List<GameObject> deadlist(offsetof(GameObject, deadLink));

Here we’re using the offsetof macro to determine the memory offset of the links into the host type. It works, but each list declaration involves typing the host type twice and a long macro expression. So here we’re going to declare a helper class template and a macro to create some syntactical sugar.

#define LIST(HostType, LinkName) \
  ListDecl<HostType, offsetof(HostType, LinkName)>

template <typename T, unsigned LinkOffset>
class ListDecl : public List<T>
    ListDecl(void) : List(LinkOffset) { }

Even though the link declaration isn’t that long, but for consistency’s sake, here’s the macro for link declaration.

#define LIST_LINK(HostType) ListLink<HostType>

There you have it. Nice syntactical sugar.

// GameObject is the "host type" of the nodes
struct GameObject
  // intrusively linked list nodes
  LIST_LINK(GameObject) mainLink;
  LIST_LINK(GameObject) deadLink;
  string name;
  map<ComponentID, Component *> components;

  GameObject(string const &name)
    : name(name)
  { }

// two lists
LIST(GameObject, mainLink) mainList;
LIST(GameObject, deadLink) deadList;


Circular Dependency
The use of offsetof macro requires complete declaration of the host type, not just a forward declaration. This might result in circular dependency. If such scenario cannot be avoided, the only solution is to fall back to using the ugly list declaration in header files, and “manually” initialize the link’s memory offset in source files using the offsetof macro.

Copy Constructors
The auto-generated copy constructor of the link’s host type would in turn call the auto-generated copy constructor of the link class, which would copy the prev and next points. This is not a desirable behavior, so we should make the link class non-copyable by declaring the copy constructor private, or inherit from a non-copyable mixin class.

About Allen Chou

Physics / Graphics / Procedural Animation / Visuals
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5 Responses to Intrusively Linked Lists with Safe Link Destruction

  1. bpin122 says:

    Thank you very much

  2. bpin122 says:

    Why the iterator methods:

    ListIterator &operator++(void);
    ListIterator &operator–(void);

    ListIterator operator++(int);
    ListIterator operator–(int);

    The last two do not return references, instead they return a copy, why? (Just because have to follow stl style?)

    • Allen Chou says:

      Nope, this has nothing to do with STL compliance. The latter two methods are the postfix increment and decrement operators (e.g. i++, i–). Postfix operators return values BEFORE the increment/decrement, so a copy is needed.

  3. bpin122 says:

    Is that cbegin and cend methods in the List class should be rbegin and rend?

    • Allen Chou says:

      Short answer: Nope.
      Long answer: According to STL convention, cbegin and cend return constant iterators (const_iterator), which evaluate to constant reference (const T &) when dereferenced. rbegin and rend return reverse iterators (reverse_iterator), which act as iterator but iterate the collection backwards. The constant version of rbegin and rend are crbegin and crend, respectively.

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